We caught up with 'on-the-go' Coach Camilla
VIVRA is all about movement and encouraging you to live your busy lifestyle… your way. Being on the go and organised is so important - which is partly the inspiration behind the creation of VIVRA. Making life easier is a no-brainer so we caught up with another busy woman, Coach Camilla! Check out our chat below.
How long have you been involved in the sport and fitness industry?
I have been working in the fitness industry for 10.5 years as a Personal Trainer, but have always had a place in the fitness world coming from a competitive swimming background my whole life.
We love your vibrant personality and you’re always ready to go and face the day (even if it’s at 5am!) - what is your motivation?
I can honestly say my biggest motivation is "The People". My clients, followers, and even random people I pass on the road while running or a newbie in my spin classes. Making someones day just a little bit better is what encourages me to always strive for happiness. The every day athletes, motivational mums, corporate warriors.. seeing them kick their goals in order to be the best version of themselves is what inspires me to do the same. It's the icing on top!
Don't get me wrong, there are days when the 4.30am alarm goes off and I have an internal battle with head noise, but I know I'm going to change some lives for the better, and that... well, it's priceless!
How do you keep yourself organised, particularly when you’re also busy looking after clients, fitness groups and attending to your other commitments?
Failing to prepare is preparing to fail! That's always been a big motto of mine. Some days tough, but I'm big on routine and consistency. I stick to some concrete 'non-negotiable' standards each day in terms of how my work day is structured. I ensure I don't over commit, to avoid under delivering. There was a time where I would say yes to every event, or every training session, even if it was a detriment to myself and business. I ensure that I follow my daily procedures, write a to-do list every morning, and ensure my meals are generally pre prepared or I have fresh groceries ready to go.
We know you love your VIVRA - what do you keep inside yours?
OH MY VIVRA! Speaking of keeping myself organised... my pouch is a big one! I'm always on the go, running between clients, running from gym to gym, class to class. I have all my essentials in my pouch. Credit card, hair tie (the girls will understand), pen, coffee coins, chewie, phone, and generally a snack of some sort... lately its been my mini peak chocolate bar... #TreatYoSelf ;-)
SNAP, ZIP, GO! Where have you been with your VIVRA pouch?
I run Bondi to Bronte EVERY Sunday. It's apart of my ritual. So, obviously it comes with me on that as my post run coffee or smoothie at Bondi is all apart of that ritual. But I do love a good adventure to the markets on weekends and hate having my hands full when I'm picking up different things, carrying my fresh produce etc, so my VIVRA pouch has become more than a "training aid", but rather a "LIFESTYLE aid.
VIVRA was designed to move with you. How has it helped you in your day to day lifestyle?
Being a trainer, I'm constantly on the go. I need things on me, but don't want to be leaving phone, notes, cash on gym floor. It's a game changer!
What’s your favourite way to relax and unwind after a big day?
COOKING! No matter how long my day was, how tired I am, I LOVE to come home and cook my dinner, or lunch, whatever it may be. To me, cooking is therapeutic, and where I have some of my most creative business ideas.
What is your motto/mantra/words you live by?
The only thing standing between where you are, and where you want to be is the bulls*&T story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't acheive it.
If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got!
What advice would you tell your 20 year old self?
Don't be afraid to follow your heart. Don't settle for someone else's dream. Be you, and be true!
Finish this sentence. I have always wanted to….
Run the New York Marathon.... Look out November, it's finally happening!

Stay motivated, and stay organised just like her and shop her style now.